Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Love yourself and your maxi!!

Hello Friends,

Today I just want to bring out my thought's on the changes my body has gone though.
I have never been perfect and will never be. I hated mirror's and fitted dresses because it always showed my flaws( or should I say flabs), then I gave not food but looking at mirror, started wearing bigger clothes which made  things worse.

Then there were comparison, analysis and too much free advice, to my shock nothing worked.Then came a challenge which changed my life. The challenge to keep myself fit for me and not worry about weight!! And TaDa after one baby and freaking work-house-and toddler life balance I still manage to do a decent body, but the best part is I Love MYSELF!!

Now talking about this beautiful Maxi, it has gorgeous cut and not to forget the neckline!! It's just so amazing and even with my flaws I feel so confident wearing it. And who does not like $17.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Pom-Poms and palazo's

Hello hello everyone!!

Pom-poms have now come in every thing this year, from earrings to shoes so why should we miss the cold shoulder top. For me comfort is everything, as if I am not comfortable in what I wear I can never look great!! Self confidence is the key.

So when I mixed together pom-poms and comfort I created color magic!!


Top: Mumbai streets
Palazzo: c/o Mom

Hope you like the color riot!!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Mirror mirror on my shoe!!

Hello everyone!!
Today I bring to you a very special post, special because it about a footwear I have always adored and worn since childhood. I am not a high heel or blingy blingy person so my natural attraction is towards flats and who says no to gorgeous embroidered and colorful jutti's/mojri's. It's a traditional North-Indian slip-on's going steady from generations.

These are so freely available in India but not in other parts of the world, so bringing you the brand which is helping people in America and Canada get a glimpse and enjoy the world of  Mojri's.

So here I am- Introducing you to Mochiis, a brand which just opened but conquered the hearts of everyone before their launch. They have such beautiful traditional and modern prints and handwork juttis that I just want to order all of them.

I have always seen people have misconception of wearing traditional footwear only with traditional attire, but that's not true.So here I am presenting you a new look!!